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Demo: Point On Primitive

This demo shows how to use the usePointOnPrimitive composable. We define a percentage of 0, and then animate it to 1 and back again, moving the point along the entire outline of the pentagon. The pentagon also rotates, just to illustrate the reactivity, so I've also highlighted the "first" vertex for clarity.

Highlighting a moving point on the edge of a pentagon
<script setup lang="ts">
import {usePentagon} from '../../../src'
import PrimitiveSVGRenderer from "./renderer/PrimitiveSVGRenderer.vue";
import {Primitive} from "../../../src/primitives/usePrimitive";
import {onMounted, onUnmounted, ref, Ref} from "vue";
import {usePointOnPrimitive} from "../../../src/utilities/usePointOnPrimitive";
import {gsap} from "gsap";

// Create a pentagon
const rotation: Ref<number> = ref(0)
const pentagon: Primitive = usePentagon({position: {x: 344, y: 200}, size: 200, rotation})

// Define the percentage around the edge of the pentagon to highlight
const percentage: Ref<number> = ref(0)

// Let's get the point along the edge of the pentagon, at that percentage
const { point } = usePointOnPrimitive(pentagon, percentage)

onMounted(() => {

  // Animate the percentage around the edge of the pentagon to highlight
  const percentageAnimation =, { value: 1, duration: 3, yoyo: true, repeat: -1, ease: "power1.inOut" });

  let RAF = null;

  // Constantly rotate the pentagon
  const rotationInterval = () => {
    rotation.value += 2
    RAF = requestAnimationFrame(rotationInterval)

  // Clean up
  onUnmounted(() => {


  <!-- This renderer is just for demo purposes -->
  <!-- All it does is take each primitive's svgPath property and render it in an SVG context -->
  <PrimitiveSVGRenderer :primitives="[pentagon]" :vertices="[pentagon.vertices.value[0], point]" label="Highlighting a moving point on the edge of a pentagon"/>

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