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Creating Primitives

Primitives in VueXYZ provide a powerful way to create interesting layouts and creative effects in the browser. There are a few different ways to create primitives and use their data, so this guide will walk you through the basics of working with them.

The Basics

Primitives are accessible as standalone composables that can be imported into your code. For example:

const hexagon = useHexagon();

This will create a new hexagon primitive. You can pass in a configuration object to customize the primitive:

const hexagon = useHexagon({
  size: 100,

This will create a hexagon with a maximum size of 100. The unit doesn't matter here, as it's not rendering anything, but typically I think of the units as pixels.

Regular Polygons

Regular polygons are the simplest type of primitive, where every side is the same length. For example, a hexagon has 6 sides, and they are all the same length.

You can configure a polygon using size as shown above (which fits it within an imaginary circle of the same diameter), or you can define the length of each side using sideLength:

const hexagon = useHexagon({
  sideLength: 100,

There are a handful of pre-made regular polygon composables available for you, such as usePentagon, useTriangle, useOctagon, etc. That said, you can generate a regular with any number of sides yourself, by calling usePolygon and passing in the number of sides you want:

// create our own 9-sided regular polygon (a nonagon)
const nonagon = usePolygon({
    sides: 9,
    size: 100

Irregular Polygons

Irregular polygons are a bit more complex, as they have sides of different lengths. Instead of defining side lengths or size, you can directly pass an array of vertices to usePolygon:

const rightAngledTriangle = usePolygon({
    vertices: [
        { x: 100, y: 0 }, // these could also be ref() objects
        { x: 100, y: 100 },
        { x: 0, y: 0 },


Keep in mind that additional configuration properties such as rotation and scale all use {x: 0, y: 0} as the origin point. This means that you may want to adjust the vertices to be centered around the origin point if you plan to use these built-in transformations.

Common Configuration

All primitives share a common set of configuration properties, such as position, rotation and scale:

const hexagon = useHexagon({
    side: 100, 
    position: { x: 100, y: 100 }, 
    rotation: 45, 
    scale: 2,

These configuration properties can also be reactive, so you can animate them:

// Let's set up some reactive properties
const size = ref(100)
const position = ref({ x: 100, y: 100 })
const rotation = ref(0)
const scale = computed(() => 2) // can also be computed, or a getter function

// This hexagon will be updated if any of the reactive props change
const hexagon = useHexagon({

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