Demo: Equally Distribute Points
This demo shows how to use the useDistributePoints
composable. It takes an octagon and draws 16 points around it equidistantly.
<script setup lang="ts">
import {useOctagon} from '../../../src'
import PrimitiveSVGRenderer from "./renderer/PrimitiveSVGRenderer.vue";
import {Primitive} from "../../../src/primitives/usePrimitive";
import {onMounted, onUnmounted, ref, Ref} from "vue";
import {useDistributePoints} from "../../../src/utilities/useDistributePoints";
// Create an octagon primitive
const rotation: Ref<number> = ref(0)
const octagon: Primitive = useOctagon({position: {x: 344, y: 200}, size: 200, rotation})
// Let's get an array of 16 points (vertex objects) equally distributed around the edge of the octagon
const {vertices} = useDistributePoints(octagon, 16)
let RAF = null;
onMounted(() => {
// Constantly rotate the octagon
const rotationInterval = () => {
rotation.value += 0.5
RAF = requestAnimationFrame(rotationInterval)
onUnmounted(() => {
<!-- This renderer is just for demo purposes -->
<!-- All it does is take each primitive's svgPath property and render it in an SVG context -->
<PrimitiveSVGRenderer :primitives="[octagon]" :vertices="vertices"
label="16 points equally spaced around an octagon"/>